It is ideal human resources strategies to support Total Quality Management (TQM). Top management is responsible for initiating and supporting a vision of a total quality culture This vision is clarified and communicated to te remainder of the organization in multiple ways. System that allow upward and lateral communications are developed. Total Quality Management training is provided to all employees, and top management shows active support for such training. Employee involvement or participation programs are in place Autonomous work groups are not required but processed that bring multiple perspectives to bear on quality issues are imperative. Employees are empowered to make quality based decisions that their discreation. Performance reviews are refocused from an evaluation of past performance, to an emphasis on what management can do to assist employees in their future job telated q uality efforts. Compensation systems refiect team related quality contribution including mastery of additional skills. Nonfinancial recognition systems at both the individual and work group levels reinforce both small wins and big victories in the quest for total quality. Systems allow employees at all levels to make known their concern, ideas, and reactions to quality initiatives. Safety and healt issues are addressed proactively, not reactively. Employee recruitment, selection, promotion and career development all reflect the new realities of managing and working in a total quality management environment. While assisting others to implement processes in support of total quality management, the human resource professional does not lose sight of the necessity to manage the human resource function under the same precepts.